Technical Department

Technical Department

Technical Department

Global Premier Soccer prides itself on having an outstanding Technical Department team that is at the forefront of all aspects of player development, applying the four corner approach to the betterment of players both on and off the field. The four corners are as follows; Technical, Tactical, Physical, Social/Psychological.

The technical department has dedicated full-time staff employed from across the world with a wealth of experience, both practical and academical assigned to each of these areas. GPS strive to ground their work in scientific evidence and forward thinking ideas.

The technical department is continuously adding new ideas. A recent addition has been the introduction of daily tweets from the twitter handles @Globalpremsocc and @GPS_technical. Please be sure to visit and follow for exciting ideas, tips and session plans. The schedule for tweets are as follows;

Monday: Goalkeepers

Tuesday: Technical

Wednesday: Physical

Thursday: Psychological

Friday: GPS Video

For more information, please feel free to contact the technical department at [email protected]